Generalversammlung 2014

Liebe Mitglieder,

Die diesjährige Generalversammlung 2014 des Europäischen Jugendparlaments Österreich (EYP Austria) findet am 7. Juni, 16 Uhr in Wien statt (Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben). Die jährliche Generalversammlung dient dazu, den Vorstand des alten Jahres zu entlasten sowie einen neuen Vorstand für das kommende Jahr zu wählen. Weiters stehen am Programm: Revue vergangener Events, Diskussion der kommenden Vorhaben,  Präsentation einer Kostenaufstellung des vergangenen Jahres und eines Budgets für die nächste Periode.

Zu diesem Anlass freuen wir uns, die Vorstandspositionen des Europäischen Jugendparlaments Österreich auszuschreiben. Bitte entnehmt dem Anhang die möglichen Positionen sowie die Voraussetzungen die an diese geknüpft sind sowie deren Verantwortungsbereiche. Um euch für eine Position zu bewerben, bitten wir euch ein Manifest zu schreiben, welches folgende Elemente zwingend enthalten muss:

  • Vor- und Nachname, Geburtsdatum
  • EYP Session History
  • Kurze Vorstellung zur Person (max. 100 Wörter)
  • Persönliche Motivation zur Position, für die man sich bewirbt (max. 300 Wörter)
  • Optional: Foto

Alle Manifeste werde nach Ablauf der Abgabefrist per Email an alle Mitglieder von EYP Austria geschickt. Mitglieder, welche nicht an der Generalversammlung anwesend sein können, haben die Möglichkeit ein anderes Mitglied zu bevollmächtigen. Für eine gültige Stimmabgabe muss für jede Position eine Stimme abgegeben werden. Genaue Details zum Wahlvorgang werden mit den Kandidatenmanifesten mitgesendet.

Der zeitliche Ablauf bis zur Generalversammlung am 7. Juni ist wie folgt:

Einsendung der Manifeste an 21.05.2014, 12:00 CET
Aussendung der Manifeste an alle Mitglieder 22.05.2013

Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass nur Kandidaten, die bis zum 21. Mai 2013, 12:00 CET ihre Manifeste einsenden an der Wahl am 7. Juni teilnehmen dürfen. Generell müssen alle zur Wahl stehenden Kandidaten persönlich anwesend sein. In begründeten Fällen ist es allerdings möglich, per Videobotschaft auf der Generalversammlung vertreten zu sein. In diesem Fall bitten wir Kandidaten darum, in ihrem Manifest eine Emailadresse oder Telefonnummer anzugeben, unter der sie vor der Generalversammlung für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen.

Eine Vorstandsposition bei EYP Austria inne zu haben bedeutet viel Verantwortung – aber auch Gestaltungsfreiraum, die Möglichkeit, Visionen in einer NGO umzusetzen und eine einzigartige Möglichkeit mit einem Team von motivierten und politisch passionierten Menschen zusammen zu arbeiten. Weiters ist diese Vorstandsposition auch auf einem CV nicht unbedeutsam und bringt mit Sicherheit wertvolle Arbeitserfahrung im NGO-Bereich.

Bei jeglichen Unklarheiten oder Fragen sind wir gerne für euch da. Wenn ihr Fragen zu bestimmten Aufgabenbereichen von den Vorstandspositionen habt, dann könnt ihr uns auch gerne persönlich kontaktieren.

Wahlberechtigte Mitglieder sind alle jene, die zum Stichtag 6. Juni einen gültigen Mitgliedsbeitrag vorweisen können. Verhinderte Mitglieder können ihr Stimmrecht mittels der unten zum Download verfügbaren Bevollmächtigungserklärung an ein anderes wahlberechtigtes Mitglied übertragen. Die Bevollmächtigung ist für alle Abstimmungen und Wahlen gültig und bei Beginn der Generalversammlung vorzuweisen.

Wir freuen uns schon auf zahlreiches Erscheinen am 7. Juni.

Mit besten Grüßen,

Raphael Bek
Vize-Präsident EYP Austria,
im Namen des Vorstands des Europäischen Jugendparlaments Österreich

EYPers of the Month: May

In May EYP Austria would like to honour 2 exceptional members who stepped outside their comfort zones and step by step – or more precisely “bit by byte” – formed this season’s grand event: the European Youth Summit in Graz which was EYP Austria’s 15th National Session and took place from the 24th to 28th of April in the Mediterranean city of Graz.

The before mentioned are Eva Reitbauer and Sebastian Hojas, aka HO Mummy and HO Daddy, who committed themselves to (head-)organising a session themed around the modern technologies that surround us and their impacts on everybody’s lives more than 10 months ago.

Eva, a student of Geomatics Engineering and Sebastian, a Software Development and Business student at Graz University of Technology, were ideally suited to prepare a joyful yet academically ambitious setting in which Officials and Delegates could show their best. With dedication, determination and thorough preparation Eva and Sebastian successfully contributed their own ideas concerning this special Anniversary Session and proved their outstanding organisational skills various times.

Eva and Sebastian, who led their passionate team of organisers with trust and calm, guided 150 participants smoothly through one of their first contacts with the European Youth Parliament. It was also their personal, unconventional paths within our organisation that impressed and amazed many.

Sebastian started his impressive EYP career at 2010’s National Session in Vienna and has ever since gained lots of international experience in nearly every function possible but especially in the field of media and EYP journalism. Eva joined the EYP at the 1st International Youth Forum Leipzig in 2011, participated in various sessions nationally and internationally and was the first head-organiser of a National Session to have head-organised before: last summer she was part of the European Youth Forum Graz’ head-organiser-team.

Dear Eva and Sebastian, EYP Austria is proud to call you its members and wants to thank for your fantastic work! We are looking forward to what’s coming next for you and wish you all the best!

Graz 2014 Resolution Booklet

After three hard days of discussing Bits & Bytes, and 14 hours of intense Committee Work in Graz, the 99 delegates of the European Youth Summit Graz 2014 have produced eight resolutions that deal with burning European topics related to Europe’s digital agenda and citizens’ participation.
The Chairs and formatting team have just finished the final compilation of the work. Check out photos from the past days on the Facebook Page and follow the session live via #graz2014.
Also, join us in person for the General Assembly tomorrow at Minoritensäle in Graz.

EYPers of the Month: March

This February, a school that has brought us many motivated individuals was the venue for yet another one-day session – the EYP Day Styria in Kaindorf. Two fine young men, Florian Rogner and Markus Kirchschlager had taken it upon them to make this an exceptional event for all participants. By including a session editor and journalists as well as providing the true Styrian culinary experience they created a memorable day for everyone involved.

Both Florian and Markus have been at several of EYP Austria’s events and have recently attended the International Session in Riga after successfully making it through the National Conference in Linz. We have seen them at many events in the meantime in several different positions and rumor has it they will be at more of our upcoming events and get-togethers. The National Committee is proud to call these two spirited and eager individuals its members. We are looking forward to future cooperation and are excited to see where EYP will take them. One thing is for sure – it will definitely include “Kernöl”.

Graz 2014: Call for individual Delegates

Dear future Delegates,

From 24th to 28th April 2014 the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Austria will be hosting the European Youth Summit Graz 2014, to which we kindly invite individual delegates from Austria and Europe. Delegates have to be at least 16 years old to participate.

At EYP sessions delegates will form committees, guided by chairpersons. These committees will participate in professionally planned team building activities and then discuss a challenging European topic. At the end of the Session, they will present and debate their results in General Assembly following parliamentary rules.

The session motto is Bits & Bytes. A motivated and experienced team of organisers is working hard to make this session possible and comfort all your needs during the session. The team of chairs will be lead by the president of the session Dimitris Zacharias (GR) and a team of EYP journalists lead by Berkok Yüksel (TR) will create newspapers, capturing unforgettable memories.

To find out more about this event we strongly encourage you to have a look at the Session Homepage as well as our About EYP Page. You can also find and like the session on Facebook or follow @eypaustria on Twitter.

Please note, that delegates have to pay 90€ to cover expenses for transportation, food and accomondation during the session.

Please submit your application form by 18th March 2014, 23:59 CET to The organisers are glad to answer any questions at

Best regards,

The organising team of Graz 2014 and the Board of EYP Austria


Graz 2014: Call for Delegates

Dear Teachers and future Delegates,

From 24th to 28th April 2014 the European Youth Parliament (EYP) Austria will be hosting the European Youth Summit Graz 2014, to which we kindly invite delegations from Austrian Schools. A delegation consist of four motivated students, who are at least 16 years old.

At EYP sessions delegates will form committees, guided by chairpersons. These committees will participate in professionally planned team building activities and then discuss a challenging European topic. At the end of the Session, they will present and debate their results in General Assembly following parliamentary rules.

The session motto is Bits & Bytes. A motivated and experienced team of organisers is working hard to make this session possible and comfort all your needs during the session. The team of chairs will be lead by the president of the session Dimitris Zacharias (GR) and a team of EYP journalists lead by Berkok Yüksel (TR) will create newspapers, capturing unforgettable memories.

To find out more about this event we strongly encourage you to have a look at the Session Homepage as well as our About EYP Page. You can also find and like the session on Facebook or follow @eypaustria on Twitter.

Please submit your application form by 10 March 2014, 14:00 CET to The organisers are glad to answer any questions at

Best regards,
The organising team of Graz 2014


Media and Communication Training

Dear NC board members and session organisers,

in cooperation with the International Office, EYP Austria is conducting a training event on “Media & Communication” which will be held in Vienna from 21st to 23rd of March 2014 (Friday to Sunday). The event will provide board members and session organisers responsible for PR, media, communication, design, etc. with a deeper knowledge and hands-on experience in the area of Corporate Design, press work and communicating EYP. This training will also be an outstanding opportunity to get to know the Austrian NC and experience our wonderful capital.

We have put together some excellent workshops lead by experienced and inspiring trainers. Grab this unique chance to dive into the world of media and communication and help us to further professionalise your NC and your sessions in this area.
Special thanks goes to the Mercator Foundation for supporting this training with a substantial grant.

We warmly invite you to be part of this training and hope to see you soon in Vienna.

Best wishes,

Jakob Etzel & Raphael Bek
(on behalf of the Board of EYP Austria as well as the Organising Team)

The Media and Communication Training on Facebook