Invitation: Annual General Assembly 2013

Dear EYPers,

We kindly extend our invitation to the Generalversamlung 2013 in Vienna on the 25th May 2013. Happily, we can now give you exact details:

When Where Who
25th May 2013, 16:00 CET Medien-Jugend-Info
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft, Familie und Jugend;

Franz-Josefs-Kai 51, 1010 Wien
All members of EYP Austria

Please find the programme for the Generalversammlung 2013 below. This year, we have managed to make it more exciting than ever, in order to highlight the importance of the event. There might even be some surprises in stock.

We cannot stress enough how important it is for all members to participate in the Generalversammlung. The General Assembly is the highest and most important instance in EYP Austria and you, the collective members of EYP Austria, get to make important decisions that affect the future of EYP Austria. Members will have the chance to elect a new board and make talk about important things concerning EYP Austria. It is most important for all members to attend the Generalversammlung and participate in the procedures of the event.

As Vienna is amongst my guilty pleasures, I cannot wait to get there this weekend and of course I expect to see all of you there. Also, there will be Socialising afterwards.

I remain with my best wishes from Graz,

Raphael Bek
National Coordinator

→ The Generalversammlung 2013 on Facebook

Graz 2013: Call for Delegates & Officials

EYP Austria’s International Forum Graz 2013 will take place from July 7th to 12th 2013 in the beautiful city of Graz.

We are now looking for Delegates, as well as Officials (2 Vice-Presidents, 6 Chairpersons, 1-2 Editor(s) and 6 Journalists) from all over Europe who want to join our team and make our forum an unforgettable event for all participants.
The Forum will be presided by Kerstin Eckart (DE). Inspired by Graz’s long tradition as a university city the theme of the session will be “Research & Development”.

The participation fee for Delegates is 50 EUR, respectively 30 EUR for Officials – this includes all meals, stay in an excellent resort and activities.

Application Deadlines
Delegates: May 27th 2013, 23:59 CET
Officials: May 29th 2013, 25:59 CET

All application forms have to be submitted by the respective deadlines to In case you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. (

Wahl zum Vorstand 2013

Lieber Mitglieder,

Die diesjährige Generalversammlung des Europäischen Jugendparlaments Österreich (EYP Austria) findet am 25. Mai um 16:00 in Wien (Ort wird noch bekanntgegeben) statt. Die jährliche Generalversammlung dient dazu, den Vorstand des alten Jahres zu entlasten sowie einen neuen Vorstand für das kommende Jahr zu wählen. Weiters stehen am Programm: Revue vergangener Events, Diskussion der kommenden Vorhaben,  Präsentation einer Kostenaufstellung des vergangenen Jahres und eines Budget für die nächste Periode.

Zu diesem Anlass freuen wir uns, die Vorstandspositionen des Europäischen Jugendparlaments Österreich auszuschreiben. Bitte entnehmt dem Anhang die möglichen Positionen sowie die Voraussetzungen die an diese geknüpft sind sowie deren Verantwortungsbereiche. Um euch für eine Position zu bewerben, bitten wir euch ein Manifest zu schreiben, welches folgende Elemente zwingend enthalten muss:

  • Vor- und Nachname, Geburtsdatum
  • EYP Session History
  • Kurze Vorstellung zur Person (max. 100 Wörter)
  • Persönliche Motivation zur Position, für die man sich bewirbt (max. 300 Wörter)
  • Optional: Foto

Alle Manifeste werde nach Ablauf der Abgabefrist per E-Mail an alle Mitglieder von EYP Austria geschickt. Mitglieder, welche nicht an der Generalversammlung anwesend sein können, erhalten anschließend die Möglichkeit, im Voraus in Abwesenheit für ihre/n Kandidat/in zu stimmen. Für eine gültige Stimmabgabe muss für jede Position eine Stimme abgegeben werden. Genaue Details zum Wahlvorgang werden mit den Kandidatenmanifesten mitgesendet.

Der zeitliche Ablauf bis zur Generalversammlung am 25. Mai ist wie folgt:

Einsendung der Manifeste an 15.05.2013, 12:00 CET
Aussendung der Manifeste an alle Mitglieder 16.05.2013
Möglichkeit der Anmeldung zur Wahl in Abwesenheit für alle EYP Austria Mitglieder, die nicht bei der Generalversammlung anwesend sein können. (Email an 18.05.2013

Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass nur KandidatInnen, die bis zum 15. Mai 2013, 12:00 CET ihre Manifeste einsenden an der Wahl am 25. Mai teilnehmen dürfen. Es wird empfohlen, dass Kandidaten persönlich bei der Generalversammlung anwesend sind. Sollte das nicht möglich sein, so besteht die Möglichkeit, eine Videobotschaft einzureichen. Wir bitten um Berücksichtigung folgender Punkte: kurze Vorstellung der Person, Angabe der Position, Begründung, Pläne.  Das Video sollte von ausreichender Qualität zur Wiedergabe auf einer Leinwand sein. Die persönliche Anwesenheit ermöglicht insbesondere, auf Rückfragen der Mitglieder zu antworten und ist daher klar bevorzugt.

Eine Vorstandsposition bei EYP Austria inne zu haben bedeutet viel Verantwortung – aber auch Gestaltungsfreiraum, die Möglichkeit, Visionen in einer NGO umzusetzen und eine einzigartige Möglichkeit mit einem Team von motivierten und politisch passionierten Menschen zusammen zu arbeiten. Weiters ist diese Vorstandsposition auch auf einem CV nicht unbedeutsam und bringt mit Sicherheit wertvolle Arbeitserfahrung im NGO-Bereich.

Bei jeglichen Unklarheiten oder Fragen sind wir gerne für euch da. Wenn ihr Fragen zu bestimmten Aufgabenbereichen von den Vorstandspositionen habt, dann könnt ihr uns auch gerne persönlich kontaktieren.

Wir freuen uns schon auf zahlreiches Erscheinen am 25. Mai!

Mit besten Grüßen,

Raphael Bek
Vize-Präsident EYP Austria,
im Namen des Vorstands des Europäischen Jugendparlaments Österreich

Hinweis: Zur Wahl berechtigt sind nur ordentliche Mitglieder von EYP Austria. Es besteht bis spätestens zur Deadline “Einsendung der Manifeste”, am 15.05.2013, die Möglichkeit, die Mitgliedschaft zu erwerben, um infolge zur Aufstellung als Wahlkandidat berechtigt zu sein, bzw. um als Mitglied die Manifeste zu erhalten (werden ausschließlich an Mitglieder gesendet). Spätestens bis zur Generalversammlung muss ein gültiger Mitgliedsbeitrag vorliegen, um wahlberechtigt zu sein.

EYP-ers of the Month: May

Lia Pachler and Jelena Stevanović have spent eight months meticulously planning and preparing the European Youth Summit Linz 2013. The event, presided by Chris Hall, gathered almost 150 people and prestigious guest speaker is the Upper Austrian capital.
This four-day session is EYP Austria’s most important and best visited event of the year. Comprising the skills of a diverse organising team composed of individuals from all corners of the country, the two Head-Organisers displayed excellent leadership qualities backed by vast experience, whilst not being defeated by a lack of sleep and stressful moments during the session.

Their task was completed when the delegates proudly defended and discussed their resolutions in General Assembly, which was held in Steinerner Saal in Linz, and ended in tears of relief and joy when they held their closing speech.

Lia joined EYP in 2010, when she was part of the organising team for the National Conference in Vienna. She has since been greatly involved in the organisation of other sessions in Austria as well as attended several events abroad, peaking in the IS Tallinn last summer.
Jelena started EYP as a delegate at the legendary National Conference in Krems, 2009. She too has attended several high quality events in both of her home countries, Austria and Serbia, and played key roles in organising teams at past sessions.

Both girls are very involved in EYP Austria’s smaller events (Jour Fixes, EYP Days), and never pass up an opportunity to attend our socialising events.

Thank you for everything.

Linz 2013 Resolution Booklet

After three hard days of hot weather and 12 hours of intense Committee Work in Linz, the 98 delegates of the Austrian Youth Summit Linz 2013 have produced eight resolutions that deal with burning European topics under the session motto Human Rights in a European Context.
The Chairs team has just finished the final compilation of the work. Check out photos from the past days on the Facebook Page and follow the session live on twitter.
Also, join us in person for the General Assembly tomorrow at Steinerner Saal in Linz.

Report: 72nd IS Munich 2013

The 72nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament took place from the 5th until the 14th of April in Munich. As the session theme was “Down to earth. Resourcing Europe.”, 250 participants from all over Europe came together to discuss the privatisation of water, Europe’s energy supplies, the shortage of resources and other similar topics.

EYP Austria gave us the chance to represent our National Committee in Munich and, therefore, to gain new experiences. Our adventure started with preparing for the session and with all the emails and instructions we received form the organisers. We reached the edge of excitement when we arrived in Munich and checked in at the session. Firstly we were overwhelmed by the large amount of participants, but after some time we found our committee members and roommates.

The next two days were full of teambuilding. We sang random songs, played funny games and got to know new people. We had fun, and also learned how to trust and work with each other. We also had Eurovillage, where we discovered different cultures and tasted their traditional food. A lot of participants wore their national costumes, and so did we. We presented Mannerschnitten, Most, Sachertorte and Speck in Lederhosen and Dirndl. The next night we went to the Hofbräuhaus in order to play some Bavarian games and to learn Bavarian.

Committee Work started with the Opening Ceremony in the Munich Residence. After listening to speeches of politicians and to wonderful music, played by the Munich National Orchestra, the President (Federico Fasol, IT) of the Session declared the 72nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament as opened.

The following days we kept busy with finding solutions for our respective committee topics. Luckily, we received help from experts at the Resource Village who provided us with important information. They told us about their work, their projects and discussed with us the current situation of the European Union.

Finally every committee was finished with their Resolution and before two days of General Assembly, we got the chance to discover Munich on our own. The Austrian delegation went to the Marienplatz and had a walk through the city centre.

The General Assembly took place in the BMW World, which is an remarkable building. First of all politicians and Janez Potočnik, the European Commissioner on Environment, hold speeches where they outlined the importance of youth being involved in political issues. The General Assembly discussed an voted on all Resolutions in several heated debates, according to Parliamentary Rules. The Closing Ceremony was the last part of the session where the Editor, the Head Organiser and the President told us their EYP stories and motivated us to keep being active.

Now that we are back in Austria and suffer from the “Post EYP Depression”, we all agree that the 72nd International Session of the European Youth Parliament was a great experience and the most amazing session we have ever attended. We thank EYP Austria to get the chance to be part of this session and for their trust in us.

by Teresa Gisinger

EYP-ers of the Month: March & April

Lena Strehmann joined EYP Austria in 2011, when she attended the National Conference in Vienna as a delegate. She subsequently got selected to represent Austria at the 69th International Session of the European Youth Parliament to be held in Istanbul in March 2012. At that time, Lena had already realised her first session as a Head-Organiser, the EYP Day Villach 2012, and besides participating in further sessions and events as Organiser and delegate she eventually became Regional Coordinator for EYP Carinthia.

Tobias Satlow attended his first session as a delegate at the First Interregional Youth Forum Graz in summer 2010. He then started an exceptional EYP career, being Delegate, Trainee, Chairperson, Organiser, Vice-pPresident and Head-Organiser at numerous sessions in Austria and abroad. Tobias has been a Delegate to the 67th International Session of the European Youth Parliament in Grenoble in July 2011 and he is going to be a chairperson at the upcoming Austrian National Conference in Linz, April 2013.

Both Lena and Tobias have been the Head-Organisers of the recent EYP Day Villach 2013. The event gathered more than 50 young students from Carinthia and the Tyrol and offered them an insight into the world of the EYP. We all would like to congratulate you for this perfectly organised session and for your contributions to EYP Carinthia!

EYP Austria is very happy to have such motivated and efficient members aboard. We are very excited for what is coming up next. Keep up your motivation, Lena & Tobias!