EYP Mini Session Graz BG/BRG Seebacher

On the 15th of June EYP Austria organised one of its Mini Sessions at the BG/BRG Seebacher in Graz. Here is what the Head-Organisers Lisa Fuchsberger, Annika Aichholzer and Magdalena Gautsch have to say about the Event:

The more the better! The latest Mini-Session was held again in Graz at the BG/BRG Seebacher. Organised by three students who all attend the aforementioned school, the idea and vision behind EYP was brought closer to students by discussing, critical thinking and finally presenting the problems and ideas the comitees have come up with. During those five hours, students were able to expand their rhetorical skills and dive into the world of EYP. In addition, We’d dare to say that all the officials had a great time and training. In conclusion: Session = success!

Photocredit goes to Matthias Schwertner