Delegate Calls

We are happy to announce that the Delegate Calls for all of our upcoming sessions have opened! If you are interested in participating in events that will allow you to debate issues on a European level with other committed youths, or know someone who you think would enjoy such an experience, now’s the time!

  • Regional Session Graz (11 to 13 February)
  • Regional Session Linz (18 to 20 March)
  • National Session Vienna (29 April to 2 May)

You can find all calls and further information, such as deadlines, here. Make sure to sign up soon to secure your spot!

Europa Club Live: “Nicht ohne uns! Welche Ideen haben junge Menschen für Europa?” | 25 November

COVID-19, the climate crisis or the financial crisis: all of these crises hit the youth particularly hard, cause changes and lead to turning points. This means that young Europeans are under particular pressure to show initiative and participate in politics. The book “30 Ideen für Europa” is a starting point for this, offering new ideas, suggestions and perspectives of young people.

How do we solve the public health crisis? What do we do against the climate crisis? How can we profit from digitalisation? What does “Europe” mean for the youth and how can young people actively shape its future?

As a part of the 30th anniversary of the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE), these questions will be discussed tomorrow, 25 November, at 13:00–14:00 CET. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook.

Opportunity to organise Socialisings

Miss getting together with people from EYP Austria? This is your chance to organise a socialising!

Socialisings are a vital part of the EYP Austria community. From physical events such as visiting museums, drinking (hot) beverages together and playing sports in the park, over to digital hang-outs with online games and more, the possibilities are endless. 

You have an idea for an educational or fun activity that you would like to carry out within EYP Austria? Reach out to us via this form and organise a socialising of your choice!

If you should have any further questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact the Board Member for National Coordination, Lisa Weinberger, at

European Future Forum Feedback Report

Since last year, Feedback Reports are created for all our academic events. They contain in-depth feedback from participants and are supposed to give a broad view of how the participants took to the events. This shall provide valuable insights to future Organising Teams and help in continuously improving the quality of our sessions. You can now find the Feedback Report for last week’s European Future Forum in the aforementioned folder.

To increase accessibility to all of our reports, we compile Feedback Reports, Selection Reports, PBM Reports, General Assembly Protocols and other similar documents in a publicly accessible folder within the EYP AT Shared Drive that everyone with an email address has regular access to.

Understanding Europe Trainers 2021/22

This week, it is our honour to introduce the Understanding Europe Trainers for the current academic year to you, who will be led by Understanding Europe Coordinator Julia Kikel with the support of Peer Educator Kerstin Reisinger:

  • Albina Dibrani (AT)
  • Béla Duschek (AT)
  • Johanna Kolmayr (AT)
  • Paul Linzbauer (AT)
  • Anna Menzel (AT)
  • Laurenz Murken (DE)
  • Selina Schweng (AT)
  • Elena Szegedi (AT)

The team of Understanding Europe Trainers usually visits schools in person and interactively teaches young students about the EU, its functions and history as well as current political issues. Since due to the current situation it is not clear when they will be able to visit schools in person again, crash courses are also offered digitally. Besides sharing knowledge between the trainers and the students, the free Understanding Europe crash courses should increase interest in European issues amongst students and allow for fruitful discussions and a space to ask probing questions.

We are grateful for the team’s dedication to spread information on the EU and motivation for Europe across the country!

Extended Call for Session Leadership

Extended Call for Session Leadership

We want to announce an extension to our calls for Presidents and Editors for our sessions in 2022!

In a leading position at a session, you will be at the centre of creating a unique event that you will be able to shape directly. This means ample opportunities to learn and grow, which we hope you are motivated for! Here’s a short overview of the sessions you can apply to:

  • President & Editor(s): Regional Session Graz (11 to 13 February)
  • President & Editor(s): Regional Session Linz (18 to 20 March)
  • Editor(s): National Session Vienna (29 April to 2 May)

Find the official call and application documents here. The call will be open until Sunday, 5 December, 23:59 CET.

We’re looking forward to your applications!

EYP Austria goes Punschen | 20 November

As the first Christmas markets are opening up again, we are announcing another physical Socialising! In the afternoon of Saturday, 20 November, we will meet at Weihnachtsdorf Maria-Theresien-Platz in Vienna to drink some punch, chat and get into the Christmas spirit together. 

The meeting point will be Maria-Theresien-Denkmal in the middle of the market, at 17:00.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

(For further information please contact Lisa Weinberger at