EYP-ers of the Month: May

Lia Pachler and Jelena Stevanović have spent eight months meticulously planning and preparing the European Youth Summit Linz 2013. The event, presided by Chris Hall, gathered almost 150 people and prestigious guest speaker is the Upper Austrian capital.
This four-day session is EYP Austria’s most important and best visited event of the year. Comprising the skills of a diverse organising team composed of individuals from all corners of the country, the two Head-Organisers displayed excellent leadership qualities backed by vast experience, whilst not being defeated by a lack of sleep and stressful moments during the session.

Their task was completed when the delegates proudly defended and discussed their resolutions in General Assembly, which was held in Steinerner Saal in Linz, and ended in tears of relief and joy when they held their closing speech.

Lia joined EYP in 2010, when she was part of the organising team for the National Conference in Vienna. She has since been greatly involved in the organisation of other sessions in Austria as well as attended several events abroad, peaking in the IS Tallinn last summer.
Jelena started EYP as a delegate at the legendary National Conference in Krems, 2009. She too has attended several high quality events in both of her home countries, Austria and Serbia, and played key roles in organising teams at past sessions.

Both girls are very involved in EYP Austria’s smaller events (Jour Fixes, EYP Days), and never pass up an opportunity to attend our socialising events.

Thank you for everything.