EYP Austria x Stand for Something | 22 August

To bring the Conference on the Future of Europe closer to our members and discuss important political questions of our times, we are hosting a physical Socialising in Vienna on Sunday, 22 August, in cooperation with Dave Kock and Andreas Moser, who represent the Stand for Something campaign (https://istandfor.eu/) in Austria.

We’ll be meeting at Augarten at 16:00 CEST. In case of bad weather we will go to Europa Zentrum Wien (EZW) at Lassingleithnerplatz 2/3 instead.

Newbies and long-time EYPers alike are very welcome, and we can always provide you with information on EYP Austria if you want to know more about our organisation. Either way, just tell us if you intend to come via Facebook or by filling out our Google Form. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me (Philipp Leindl | philipp.leindl@eyp.at).