EYP Austria goes Linz | 1 April

With the Regional Session Linz just behind us, we’re happy to return to the city for a physical Socialising on Friday, 1 April! Whether you’ve just been a Delegate, always wanted to visit Linz or wish to see EYP friends again, this is the perfect opportunity for a springtime gathering.

We’ll be meeting at Dreifaltigkeitssäule at the main square at 16:00 CEST. Depending on the weather, we’ll chill outside, go into a café or visit one of the museums nearby. In line with our National Strategy (1.4 Educational Value – 2.3 Membership – 3.2 Inclusion), a budget has been set up for Socialisings with an educational value so that EYP Austria will cover the ticket costs should we end up going to a museum!Newbies and long-time EYPers alike are very welcome, and we can always provide you with information on EYP Austria if you want to know more about our organisation. Either way, please tell us if you intend to come via Facebook or by filling out our Google Form. Should you have any questions, contact Philipp Leindl (philipp.leindl@eyp.at), who is in charge of the Socialising.