Eurovision Song Contest Socialising | 13 May 2023

Do you love the whacky, strange, wonderful magic of Eurovision? Then join us on 13 May 2023 to watch the Grand Final  together! The exact time and place will be announced via Instagram so keep your eyes open.

EYP Austria Members Weekend 2023 | Save the Date

We are excited to announce that this year’s Members Weekend will be held 16 to 18 June 2023! 

EYP Austria’s Members Weekend 2023 will be our most important training event of the academic year, bringing together members from all generations for a weekend of training and socialising. 

Further details on location, format, and programme will be communicated in time – though the event is currently being planned as a physical event. To get notifications about the Members Weekend you can follow us on Instagram. We’re already looking forward to seeing you there!

National Selection Conference Graz 2023

Last week our biggest event of the year, the National Selection Conference took place in Graz from 20 to 24 April 2023. We would like to thank the Head-Organisers Hanna Mayr and Luca Peinsold who dedicated so much time and effort into organising this event for over 8 months with care and dedication. 

The session took place under the theme of “rising to a new sphere” and managed to gather more than 100 participants from 22 countries. It made great contributions to EYP Austrias sustainability efforts, gave many of our members the chance to become Officials and introduced a new generation of delegates to our organisation. 

Check out the amazing content produced by the Media Team via the following channels: 

EYP Austria Instagram: 

National Sessions of EYP Austria Instagram: 

EYP Network Instagram (always a great honour to be featured here!): 

National Sessions of EYP Austria Facebook:  

National Selection Conference Graz TikTok:

Hereby, we wish to showcase all Members of the EYP Austria who were directly involved in shaping the National Selection Conference Graz. Thank you for all your work and dedication! We are happy to see so many of you take part in our events, starting as delegates in the last years and now flourishing as Officials. Thank you Hanna Mayr (Head-Organiser), Luca Peinsold  (Head-Organiser), Bernd Stelzl (Core-Organiser), Florian Huber (Organiser), Mauro Baumann (Organiser), Constantin Renner (Organiser), Selina Schweng (Organiser), Yannick Tu (Organiser), Vedad Misirlic (President), Ilya Gulya (Chairperson), Simon Gartner (Chairperson), Thomas “Foxie” Micheler (Editor), Elena Macura (Media Team Member), Marlen Seelos (Media Team Member), Marco Spellas (Media Team Member), Paula Mayr (Media Team Member), Lisa Weinberger (Jury Member), L Zöhrer (Event Safe Person), Marcel Kranixfeld (Event Safe Person) and especially Emily Usner as NC Representative and Session Mentor.

Sieben Volksbegehren in Österreich

[The following text is written in German. For more information in English please reach out via] 

Am Montag, 17. April 2023, hat die Eintragungswoche für sieben Volksbegehren in Österreich begonnen. Erreicht ein Volksbegehren mehr as 100.000 Unterschriften, muss es im Parlament behandelt werden. Folgende Begehren können unterstützt werden: 

  • „ECHTE Demokratie – Volksbegehren” 
  • „Beibehaltung Sommerzeit” 
  • „GIS Gebühren NEIN” 
  • „BARGELD-Zahlung: Obergrenze NEIN!”
  • „Unabhängige JUSTIZ sichern” 
  • „Lieferkettengesetz Volksbegehren” 
  • „Nehammer muss weg”

Die Volksbegehren liegen bis Montag, 24. April in Gemeindeämtern und Magistraten zur Unterzeichnung auf. Unterschrieben werden kann aber auch online, etwa mittels Bürgerkarte oder Handysignatur. Mehr Informationen zu den Volksbegehren können dieser Website entnommen werden. 

National Selection Conference Graz 2023 taking place

We are excited that the National Selection Conference is currently taking place in the beautiful city of Graz in Styria. Yesterday CMJO Training happened, today the Session has officially begun and will last until 24 April. 

The topic of this year’s National Selection Conference is “rising to a new sphere”. With this topic, the Head-OrganisersHanna Mayr and Luca Peinsold hope to meet all participants where they are and then support them to understand diverse, complex topics from different angles to form their own opinions on current issues. They want to offer them a platform to develop themselves, make new friends and realise their own potential.

Right now the Session has gathered more than 100 young Europeans at the town hall for the opening ceremony of the annual National Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament Austria. We are honoured to have guest speakers from the TPA group and the city of Graz present. You can follow along with the session via our social media channels including both instagram and facebook.

Hereby, we wish to showcase all Members of the EYP Austria who were directly involved in shaping the National Selection Conference Graz. Thank you for all your work and dedication! We are happy to see so many of you take part in our events, starting as delegates in the last years and now flourishing as Officials. 

Thank you Hanna Mayr (Head-Organiser), Luca Peinsold  (Head-Organiser), Bernd Stelzl (Core-Organiser), Florian Huber (Organiser), Mauro Baumann (Organiser), Constantin Renner (Organiser), Selina Schweng (Organiser), Yannick Tu (Organiser), Vedad Misirlic (President), Ilya Gulya (Chairperson), Simon Gartner (Chairperson), Thomas “Foxie” Micheler (Editor), Elena Macura (Media Team Member), Marlen Seelos (Media Team Member), Marco Spellas (Media Team Member), Paula Mayr (Media Team Member), Lisa Weinberger (Jury Member), L Zöhrer (Event Safe Person), Marcel Kranixfeld (Event Safe Person) and especially Emily Usner as NC Representative and Session Mentor.​

Youth Speak Forum 2023 by AIESEC

Youth Speak Forum, is a one-day event, aiming to help young people choose a cause they will champion and engage in dialogue with other like-minded individuals and organisations. The event aims to empower young people to understand how they can contribute to the SDGs through short and powerful talks and spark interest in self-development through skill-building workshops. Our partners include Bank Austria, SAP, The United Nations, Bankimoon, and more.

This year’s theme is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The event will take place on the 21st of April from 10:00 to 18:00 CEST. If a person has other obligations they can come and go when it works for them. It’s fully free and we want everyone to be included! This will include lunch, snacks, and drinks! The event will be held at UniCredit Campus, am Kaiserwasser.

For registrations click here:
You can follow the event on instagram here:

Members Abroad – 11 April, 2023


Hannah Aichhorn will be representing EYP Austria as Editor at the  Ourense Regional Selection Conference 2023 in Portugal. We wish her a pleasant journey and a wonderful sunny time in southern Europe.

Emily Usner, President of EYP Austria, was present at the BNC Spring 2023 Meeting, 31 March to 2 April in Berlin, and shares her experiences and insights with you, so read along: 

“The BNC Meeting happens only twice a year and is a wonderful opportunity for Board members from all around Europe to come together and connect with each other. At this years Spring Meeting we had 32 out of 36 National Committees in attendance, which shows the importance of this event to the network. It was extremely interesting to listen to and participate in the discussions on the many different agenda points and get an insight into the viewpoints and workings of other NCs. In simple terms one can imagine it a lot like any other session GA, with people raising placards, making direct responses and voting on a variety of different policies, guidelines and working procedure or charter changes. Among other things we discussed Guidelines on Vehicular Safety based on a policy EYP Austria had co-submitted with EYP Belgium and the former EYP Estonia at the Fall 2022 BNC Meeting. Decisions were also made on the suspension of EYP Romania, new EYP Avatars as well as updates to the Policy on Evaluation and Feedback. 

Although I have been a member of the EYP network for many years at this point, this was a completely new and exciting opportunity for me and I am extremely happy that I was able to be a part of an event that is so essential to our network. It  shows how sophisticated yet accessible our governance structure is and that while it sometimes feels like we are all just individual members who doing the work to keep our NCs up and running we are in fact part of a much larger and far reaching organisation and support system.”